
Gigantic Gorgeous Snowflakes

It snowed in Seattle this weekend! On Saturday morning it went rain-sleet-snow-hail-sunshine. Joshua and I grabbed some delicious tamales, pastires, and cider from the farmer's market and ran home to drape ourselves in blankets and eat. Then the rest of the afternoon we played Lego Harry Potter for the 1st time :)
double face size naan

right when we got back from running

pre-church croissants and coffee

But Sunday held the real snow. We woke up before church and went running in the snowflakes to the lake- Which was really beautiful and refreshing until we had to run back with the wind and hail pelting us. But then all through chuch the snow came down in the most chunky glorious snowflakes imaginable! The best part was that it was our friend Liz's Birthday celebration that day so we drove through it getting to see all the roofs clothed in white and the tall pine trees draped with the snow. It was slow moving traffic but beautiful! At one point we were going under overpasses and there was a crack with ivy hanging down and snowflakes slowly seeping through and floating in the light to the ground. I truly looked magical! Our destination was the Internationl District. We had Dim Sum for the first time, broke out into a snowball fight!, and shopped in the Asian food markets! Then we went back to Liz & Daniel's place later for some games, movies, enchiladas, and wii games.
Fantastic weekend and I'm so thankful for the snow!

Birthday lady!

O and I made Cocoa Nib Brittle for Liz's Birthday:

1 cup sugar
1/4 cup water1/4 cup cocoa nibs
2 tbs butter
pinch of salt

1   place parchment paper on baking sheet and spray with cooking spray
2   place sugar in pan and stir in water making sure to get all the sugar wet
3   then turn stove on medium and don't touch it until the sugar mixture begins
     to get an amber hue after it begins to boil; about 4-5 minutes
4   then swirl around the mixture so it cooks evenly and add in the cocoa nibs
5   once it has cooked for a few more minutes and the whole mixture is amber-brown
      remove it from the heat and stir in the butter and salt
6    immediately pour it onto the baking sheet and wiggle the pan so it spreads evenly
7    let it cool and then break it into pieces!

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