
Weekend Happenings

This weekend we crafted a bunch of homebrewed beer. We were able to bottle and cap our Oberon clone and then on Sunday we went ahead and brewed the IPA Joshua got from some of my siblings for Christmas. We're love sharing our beer and bringing it along places so it will be fun to have 2 different choices! I never thought I'd enjoy brewing beer but I've really gotten into. Granted I don't understand all the mechanics of why we put in hops when we do but I'm learning. Joshua though he's the pro, I make sure we're not hungry and flip the records.

I have to lay down towels because someone (Joshua!) gets water everywhere
We've also been rope climbing about twice a week with some friends and we're loving it! I love that it's social, not constantly moving like running, and so satisfying to make it to the top of that wall. We've both definitely improved a lot but also we're a lot more willing to try a route and fail which means sometimes you totally get a move you didn't think you would. Looking forward to hopefully giving outdoor climbing a try this year! And since we were waiting for laundry and already went rock climbing I was able to talk Joshua into not splitting our gelato (me: pistachio and fig, him: tiramisu and fig)

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