The third day we woke up (first two days here), the clouds were flittering in and out around us as we packed up. We passed some hills erupting with huckleberries and after about a mile the clouds swallowed us. The cloud and us were one. One with the rain, the mist, the 10-15 ft visibility for 8 long miles.
The photo above was actually when we still had decent visibility. It was a bummer but luckily we'd actually hiked this part of the PCT last year so we felt a little better. At one point we started walking up to Blue Lake high, where we were going to camp for the night, and it turned into what felt like a goat path of torture. It was a very tight trail with slippery rocks going up at least 25% for over a mile and you could only see a few feet in front of you. Feeling like if you slip you will fall forever into a white cloud abyss was not our favorite part. We weren't our happiest selves at this point. But we finally made it to Blue Lake and scored an amazing site, commiserated with other hikers as they made it down about the torture we'd all endured and then the rain cleared up and the clouds snuck away.
We had a great night picking berries, watching the sun set, had another fire and saw a bunch of stars. Our spirits were restored! The next morning the whole place was sunny and absolutely beautiful. We packed up and walked about 1 mile to Johnson Mountain, dropped our packs, and headed to the top for 360 degree views of mountains and the blue lake. Having made it through the day before and then to be rewarded with this was the best feeling!
We hung out at the top for awhile and then started back on our 9 mile hike out. We snacked on huckleberries along the way and went down 200ft and then went back up 200ft (mean mean evil neverending up and down trail) By the time we made it to the final switchbacks down our knees and feet didn't love us but started powerwalking and finally made it out. And we of course rewarded ourselves with bacon hamburgers and curly fries in Darrington. When we finally made it home we spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch, not moving.
The greens in the picture below the tent one are AMAZING! So pretty. I'd be so scared walking and not being able to see down. Are you ever completely tired hiking all weekend and then having to work the next day? I couldn't do it. :)