

  Joshua had to work all this weekend so we didn't do much. Which really just means I had tons of left over time to cook.
So we went to the farmer's market and loaded up on veggies. It was so fun to leave with with armfuls of fresh foods. (It took the longest to find a yellow squash because since it's fall there are lot of gourds and we can't tell the difference) We ran into some of our friends from small group there too which was a fun surprise.

Ever since seeing Ratatouille I've wanted to make that dish. The colors and the way it seemed to unfold when the critique ate it have always intrigued me. Plus since Joshua would be working I knew the chopping would take half the day and therefore keep me out of his way while still doing something.

I can't even explain how delicious this is!!! I now know why the critique in the movie is reminded of his childhood. It is so warm and the veggies melt away into your mouth and then with the soft goat cheese it just does a happy comfy dance in your mouth!
And besides all the chopping it really wasn't much work.

I mostly used this recipe but then with ingredient restrictions and such I've posted my version below!

Aim for small veggies and thin ones so you don't have lots left over
1 cucumber
1 eggplant
2 red peppers (long ones- easier to find if they're organic)
1 yellow squash
1 cup tomato soup
1/2 red onion; chopped
1/2 shallot; thinly sliced
generous salt & pepper
soft goat cheese
preheat oven 375 degrees F

1   slice the cucumber, eggplant, squash, peppers into 1/16" slices (yes that's small but possible, hubs
     didn't believe in me and came over and started measuring- I won :)
2   in a baking dish; I used a 9"x11", pour tomato soup, onion, shallots, cilantro, s&p and mix in
3   then start alternating veggie slices and leave only a small sliver of it showing.
4   continue in overlaying the veggies until the dish is all covered and lay a few pepper slices on top
5   S&P and cilantro the top of the dish
6   then cut a piece of parchment to fit the dish and place it on top
7   place in oven for 50 minutes
8   when there is 15 minutes left start making the quinoa
9   place quinoa on plate and then serve ratatouille over top and finish with a generous dollop of soft
     goat cheese (this really makes it!)

We also ran away with this for our lunch! It was from an actual tandoori oven at the farmer's market and it was very tasty...
Hubs hard at work

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