

We didn't do much this weekend because I ended up getting a bad summer cold! It turned out to be a blessing though because we got to rest and not feel bad about it. We took lazy walks to get pastries and coffee, long grocery store trips, Joshua helped a friend move, I made chili, took naps, got in a lot of reading, and grilled out and ate on the porch in the sunshine. A lazy weekend but a beautiful one!

On Saturday night though we did go meet up with friends. We had a lovely slow dinner that fed us in so many ways. But the interesting part is Joshua ate RAW oysters. He was quite hesitant and I stood my ground but he gave in and actually tried them. He even enjoyed them. Being that he enjoyed them I said I might try one, ONE, next time, we'll see though knowing me I'll probably chicken out.

giant tubs of fresh oysters!!!

blurry photo of lovely friends
But it was a fun night, we met a few new people and learned a little about wine and just enjoyed the company!

O and we went sailing during the week with some friends and the moon was beautiful! The summer here has been such a treat! Sometimes it's awesome that everyone feels bad wasting any good weather so there's always something to do, But also it can be exhausting haha. Sailing was a great mix.

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