
Birthday Getaway

Joshua planned a trip to the east side of Washington for my birthday. We headed out Friday morning and landed at a campsite early so we could all just hang out. The weather was comfortable and lovely so we played with dirt, picked flowers, made tacos, and played guitar. Since Roslyn walks now it was much more fun to let her explore on her own. We love that she is bold enough to just wander off into a tall patch of grass to pick a flower or to help pick up sticks and throw them into the fire pit.

Early the next morning we went on a 6 mile hike. We got lovely little mountain peek a boos through the hills as we climbed and the whole hike was drenched in wildflowers. There were a few types of yellow ones, some purple ones, and red/orange indian paint brushes.

I love going on a hike when these yellow flowers are in bloom, it's hard not to stop and stare every time we'd turn a corner and find a new hillside bursting with them. We had lunch at the top and headed back down.

Next up was a winery Joshua took us to. The sun was out, there was live music, chickens, a playground, cold rose wine and a sandy beach. We grabbed Roslyn's sand pail and headed straight to the beach. When we plopped her into the wet soft sand she was transfixed, rubbing her toes in the sand and then grabbed handful of it and watched it ooze out of her fingers. So we drank wine and made sand castles all afternoon while live music wafted down to us. It was really a special moment. Then we dunked most of her body in the little lake and headed into the national forest to find a campsite.

It absolutely poured that night so we decided to call it a day early and drive home. It was my birthday that day so we got my favorite burgers and milkshakes when we got home and put our worn out sunkissed baby to bed early.

Just behind the rainbow blanket is the bed Roslyn
slept in all on her own both nights!

Roslyn photobombing my picture of the
 new leather caddy I made for Walter

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